3 Ways to Best Protect Your Online Image


Learn how to protect your online image and achieve the peace of mind you deserve.

Protecting your online image is not only one of the most important ways to build a trustworthy brand online, it’s something that should also be on your daily radar. In this post, we are going to cover three of the best ways to start protecting your online reputation in just a few steps. Each of these methods is easy enough to implement, but they can make a world of difference to the long-term success of your brand, while also taking control over what people see when they look for you online.

3 Ways to Best Protect Your Online Image

1. Monitor online mentions and search results for your name

There are billions of pages on the internet and it would be impossible for you to manually find every site that was linking to your site or mentioning your personal name or product. One of the best ways to do this would be through an online monitoring service that can scour the internet and send you emails every time a new mention is found. This practice can be done for both personal names and business brand names. The best defense in the war against negative press or defamation is knowing exactly where, when and why your brand is being mentioned somewhere and how to immediately address it and protect your online image

2. Create social profiles for both your personal and business brand name

With over 2 billion users spread across the major social networks, Google simply loves the quality and content of these sites. With that being said — it’s quite easy to get social profile pages across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube to rank extremely well. This is exactly why you should be create social profiles for both your personal name and your business name. When possible, try to secure the exact match username on each social network for your name and business brand, as this will also improve your chances for ranking on the main page of your exact match name.

3. Blogging is one of the best ways to build and protect your online image. Create great content that people find value in, while also ranking more often in the search results.

More than 60% of brands and businesses in the world today have blogs. The reason behind this is simply that blogs are changing the way people read, engage and research information online. Blogs aren’t just for talking about what you are interested. Instead, brands and businesses are using blogs to build a powerful foundation for audience and customers to find more information on their brands, products and services, while also improving their overall search rankings.

Need help protecting yourself online?

These are just some of the best ways for anyone — no matter how big or small — to start managing and improving their brands online. ORM (online reputation management) is a must for every online and offline brand, as what appears in the search results is a huge factor in whether a customer will walk through the doors of your retail location or buy from your online site. Can you say without a doubt that the first impression someone gets when they search for your online name is a good one? We’ve also created the information below to give you a visual reminder of how you can implement these same methods into your business or brand. To learn more about protecting your online reputation, be sure to contact InternetReputation.com at 941-259-4554 or click here to setup a free consultation.

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