Quora: The Q and A of Online Reputation Management

Quora Online Reputation Management

Quora is a great place to ask those burning questions, but how does Quora factor into online reputation management? Our blog team gets answers.

Building a strong online reputation can be a tough hill to climb, whether it’s for your business, your practice or yourself. Unless you’re actively working to provide something of value to the online community, you may be missing out on the chance to put real strength into and behind your online image.

You want to make a concerted effort to not only create informative, engaging, compelling and reputable content for those searching your name, but to ensure that this information hits its mark, and hits it fast.

Quora: the Q &A of Online Reputation Management

This is part of what makes Quora, the online Q&A juggernaut, so powerful. A discussion-based online forum visited by millions every month, Quora can quickly become one of the most effective weapons in your reputation management arsenal.

What is Quora?

A popular and authoritative question-and-answer site, Quora attracts information seekers from around the globe, offering visitors an open forum in which to both publicly pose questions covering a vast range of topics, and to elicit articulate, well-supported answers from users with real subject-matter expertise.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
― Albert Einstein
Considered to be a “social network that enables nuance,” Quora is unique in that quality is the focus. Well-thought-out, well-reasoned and well-written answers on Quora tend to receive more attention, prominence and applause than do links, platitudes and obvious sales pitches, thus providing a source of credible and trustworthy information that can be of real value to the reader.

Those interested in answering questions on Quora certainly have no shortage of options from which to choose. New Quora questions are posted by users nearly every minute, and each are more or less funneled into the most appropriate topics or categories based on certain terms, or keywords, within the questions themselves.
Quora users have the freedom to choose and answer questions at their leisure, and to be a part of the discussion surrounding any given topic.

Search Engine Prominence

Both Google and Bing have made Quora a prominent part of their first page results. This shows the value these two leading search engines place on the site as a popular and authoritative source of online content. By entering a query into either engine’s search bar, chances are you’ll find a relevant Quora question pop up at or near the top of the first page; something to think about when considering your approach to Online Reputation Management.

Being an active and experienced Quora participant, particularly within categories you’re considered an expert, makes it far more likely your information, your company and your brand show up when industry-related terms are searched by potential clients.

“It’s not a silly question if you can’t answer it.” 
― Jostein Gaarder, Sophie’s World
Quora’s high visibility in search results could mean a stronger Web presence for you and your brand, more positive exposure for your company, and the crucial underpinning of a strong, even dynamic, online reputation.

How Else Can Quora Benefit My Online Reputation Management Strategy? 

As a site with search engine authority, as well as a service that extols the value of solid information over filler and fluff, Quora offers you and your company the chance to be an active part of the discussion; to connect with potential consumers, colleagues and more while maintaining brand relevance, reach and visibility.
Quora’s benefits, however, don’t end there.

Research and Investigation

The observant Quora user will note the ample opportunity the site provides for research, not just into what the public is saying about you and your products or services, but also any discussions among your competitors, trends within your industry, what potential customers/clients are looking for, and so on.

“When exploring Quora,” says Ann Smarty of Social Media Examiner, “take lots of notes to better understand the way your topic is covered in the platform. Seek out in-depth case studies and solid content ideas.”
Taking advantage of and studying the ongoing feed of information Quora provides may afford you the opportunity to address potential concerns or issues more quickly, to react and/or pivot to market trends more effectively, or to stay one step ahead of others.

As a research tool, Quora allows you to arm yourself with the information you need to take a more proactive online reputation management approach, meeting potential problems head-on and before they become full-fledged disasters.

Establishing Online Credibility

Establishing yourself as a trusted authority within a field, category or topic isn’t possible without creating something to prove it. Nor is it easy without being continuously active and involved in the discussion. Each and every answer you post on Quora, and every view and Upvote your answer receives, can help to elevate and support your claim as a subject-matter expert.

Quora, according to Business2Community contributor Susan Gilbert, is basically “a large community of professionals…who are actively engaging, asking and answering questions in their target markets, which is generating great results.” A site that has “quickly become a leading go-to source for businesses, entrepreneurs and marketers,” Quora and its answers tend to hold more weight than other online forums or social media sites, enhancing your content’s impact that much more.

Generating Ideas

Knowing how potential clients are discussing you, your brand and your field on Quora may become an invaluable idea generation tool, particularly when it comes to developing content elsewhere on the Web. Keeping apprised of what is being discussed on Quora, as well as in what context, can help you adjust your approach when it comes to content generation on other platforms, including your website, social media profiles and online advertising.

Sounds Great. How Do I Get Started?

Creating a profile on Quora is a pretty straight-forward process, requiring little more than an email address and a few minutes of your time. Once you’re in, take some time to explore Quora’s features, as well as topics and search terms you’re familiar with. You may even want to perform a search for yourself or your company; you may be surprised to find your name being batted around within a Quora discussion or two.

Begin Building Your Network

Once you’ve got a good feel for how the site works, it’s time to begin building your network. Locate topics you know, and search for questions you’re best equipped to provide solid, supported and thoughtful answers to. Follow topics you have knowledge in, as well as thought leaders within those topics, and ‘Upvote’ answers you like from time to time.

Join Discussions Whenever You Can

If you have something to share, add or contest to an existing Quora discussion, don’t be afraid to do so. Remember: the more activity you engage in on the site, the more opportunity you have to build your position as a thought leader. This can help to support and strengthen your position as an authority on a given topic.

Share Your Answers

Share your answers on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Cross promotion on social media is a powerful way to enhance your online visibility, as well as to create discussions on yourself, and related keywords, on a variety of other platforms throughout the Web.

Ask Questions

Post a question or two from time to time. While providing answers may show your audience a willingness to share your expertise with the world, as well as help others at with no-cost information, the occasional question can humanize your brand, demonstrating the same intellectual curiosity as other Quora user while proving that you’re anything but a marketing automaton.
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”

Stay Active!

It’s important to produce fresh content on a regular basis. It’s easy to become complacent. Making Quora activity an ongoing part of your reputation management strategy is crucial to the maintenance of a visible search engine presence.

Quora and Professional Online Reputation Management Services

There is little doubt as to the vast potential an active Quora presence can have for your online reputation management approach. Not only can content creation on Quora help skyrocket you and your business up the search results ladder; it can also help spark genuine interest in your brand, and begin to solidify a credible online reputation built on real connection and trust.

Comprehensive Online Reputation Management, however, can be quite complex, and shoring up your online name, brand and presence can often require the technical expertise, experience and resources only a professional ORM firm can provide. If you’re considering a move to professional reputation management services, look to InternetReputation.com today.


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