Internet Reputation Strategy: How to Protect Your Brand Online

Internet Reputation can show you how to protect your brand and privacy online.

Knowing how to protect your brand online has never been as important as it is today. With the new year now in full swing, it’s now more important than ever for you to know what to look out for when monitoring your personal and brand name mentions online. We’ve taken the guesswork out of how to keep your online reputation and brand awareness safe by pointing out our best posts for the new year.

How to Protect Your Brand Online

If you are still on the fence about reputation management, there is no better time to implement it into your brand or business right now. With each passing moment, how and where your brand is being talked about quickly expanding.
Here’s a five-step quick start guide on how to protect your brand online.

  1. Look at your current search rankings

  2. Decide what rankings are positive and negative

  3. Dissect the foundation of your search results

  4. Create your own reputation management strategy

  5. Monitoring your name/brand mentions and rankings

How to Create the Perfect LinkedIn Page

Social media is one of the biggest factors in keeping your personal name and/or brand safe. While many brands will be concerned about what others are saying about their brand and products through social media, it’s important to remember that social media is also your friend.
For example, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media networks out there, especially when focusing on your personal resume or business. LinkedIn not only has 300+ million other business professionals that can find your information and vouch for you and your service, but you will also receive a high ranking listing in Google for your personal and business LinkedIn page as well!

5 Things to Add to Your Reputation Management Plans

As long as you and your brand are around, you are going to need to continually monitor your online reputation and know what others are saying online.
For the average individual or business, this can be quite an overwhelming task. However, has helped thousands better understand how to monitor and repair their online reputations… and it all starts with learning how to protect your brand online:

  1. Write a Weekly Blog Post

  2. Monitor Your Brand 24/7

  3. Try Just One New Social Media Site

  4. Start One Reputable Project

  5. Get Help For Deep-Set Problems 

Simple tasks like setting up a WordPress blog and writing a weekly post to your site can play a huge influence on when and where your site and brand ranks in the search results. Throw in the addition of brand monitoring, social media activity and the creation of high authority sites are you are on the right path.
For those deeper set problems that just seem impossible to deal with or you simply have no idea where to start — well, that’s exactly where we come in! We’re available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and always more than willing to listen to your situation and plan out how to best address the situation.

How to Protect Your Brand Online and Restore Your Reputation

As you can see, with each passing year there are plenty of new methods, websites and social networks for individuals and brands to worry about. The good news is that you don’t have to go alone on what might seem like a never-ending journey. Instead of visiting web sites and search engines manually to see what others are saying about your brand, you can use our advanced line of automation software to put your online reputation monitoring on autopilot.
To learn more about what ranks for your name in the search results and how to protect your online reputation, feel free to contact at 941-259-4554 or click here to set up a free consultation.

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